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2024 Churchwide Gathering of Presbyterian Women

August 8-11, 2024 | St. Louis, Missouri
Registration is now open. Register today.

For more information, go to for a copy of The Gathering Guide and links for registration and hotel reservations.


Register online anytime.

Mail-in registration is now available – deadline June 14.

Register for the in-person full event or just one day; or register for a limited virtual attendance for the plenary sessions and a limited selection of workshops.

For more information on registration, see the link above.


PW Synod of the Trinity Luncheon

Be sure to register for the PW in the Synod of the Trinity Luncheon at the PW Churchwide Gathering on Saturday, Aug. 10.

Keynote Speaker – Kathleen Keefer


2024 Synod of the Trinity Mission Project
“Casa Materna” in Sololá, Guatemala

Founded in 2016, the Casa Materna project provides necessary medical services and education for low-resource mothers and babies in the rural region of San Juan La Laguna and nearby towns. Our goal is that all women in this region have an affordable, accessible and safe place to give birth to their babies and, consequently, reduce fetal and maternal mortality in the region.

Click here to view a brochure.

PWC Mission support should be sent to PW Presbytery Treasurers by Dec. 15, 2024. PWP Treasurers should send PWP Mission Project support to Diana Stiles by Dec. 31. (Please note: A new PW Synod treasurer will be announced in September with corresponding address sent with the new 2024/2025 PWS Directory)


PDF version of the Presbyterian Women’s Administrative Team available by clicking here.


2023 Presbyterian Women Gathering Highlights

The 2023 PW in the Synod of the Trinity Summer Gathering met in July at the Penn Stater Hotel and Conference Center in State College, PA. Attending were 69 women, including a number of first-time participants, from across the Synod.

Speakers for the general sessions were: the Rev. Forrest Claassen, the Synod Executive of the Synod of the Trinity; Susan Jackson-Dowd, Executive Director of the Presbyterian Women, Inc.; the Rev. Cheri Harper, Mission Associate for Presbyterian Women; and Angela Regan, founder and Executive Director of Welcome Home SIS (System Impacted Survivors), our 2022 and 2023 PW Synod Mission Project. Gathering music was led by PW’s Patti Hart and Hazel Johnston.

The gathering offered three sections of small group workshops, most of which were led by PWs from around the Synod with topics exploring Horizon’s Bible Study, PW 101, I Love to Sing the Stories, Disaster Preparedness, Stories of Hymns, Sister Act (about Welcome Home SIS) and a Racial Wealth Gap Simulation.

At the business meeting, we approved changes to the by-laws to update Administrative Team coordinator position titles in keeping with current titles. Additionally, we elected new leaders to the administrative team who were installed at the Tuesday evening program.

The Mission team provided hands-on mission activities for gathering participants to make Christmas cards for incarcerated persons and fleece knotted blankets for a local project.

During the gathering participants had the opportunity to bid on baskets provided by each presbytery. The silent auction baskets raised $1,525 for our 2023 Mission project, Welcome Home SIS. The Hunger Fund collection raised nearly $236. The Contingent Offering collected $955.

The gathering concluded with a Blessing of the Hands service and closing worship and communion led by the Rev. Rebecca Tanner.