• Interim Executive Presbyter

    Location: Washington Presbytery

    Washington Presbytery is seeking candidates to fill the position of interim executive presbyter. Interested candidates can submit a resume or a Personal Discernment Profile (formerly the PIF) to CRE Gary Gibson at ggibson@srcare.org. A full job description is available by clicking here. Deadline for application is June 28. (Posted June 17)

  • Stated Supply Minister

    Location: Synod Neighbor

    The Presbyterian Church of Barnet, VT, is seeking a stated supply minister. The church is located in a rural Vermont community with an active congregation of 63 members, active outreach to the community and an active Sunday School for elementary school age children. The church is looking for a candidate who will supply the pulpit with Sunday church services, conduct adult bible studies, consult and mentor Sunday School teachers, engage with the congregation and community, visit elder and shut-ins, and participate in the life of the congregation.

    More information is available by clicking here. (Posted April 15)

  • Associate Minister of Older Adults

    Location: West Virginia Presbytery

    The Presbytery of West Virginia is seeking an associate minister of older adults. This is a contracted position to provide pastoral support, emergency counsel and life-enhancing activities to older adults living at 11 low-income, elderly facilities in West Virginia, five of which are owned by Presbyterian-affiliated organizations. Applicants must have experience working with older adults, providing education/training and managing small groups. They must have ordination as Minister of Word and Sacrament or be a ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).

    The contractor will meet regularly with the presbytery and the Presbyterian Housing Foundation of West Virginia, providing a monthly written report of activities. This is a one-year contract, renewable annually. Contract amount, including travel and written reports, is $34,800.

    A full job description, including the scope of work and contract provisions, is available here. Send a letter of interest and documentation of experience working with older adults to office@wvpresbytery.org. Address the letter to the “Administration Committee” and use the subject: Associate Minister of Older Adults. (Posted Feb. 28)

  • General Minister

    Location: Pittsburgh Presbytery

    Pittsburgh Presbytery is searching for its next General Minister to support congregations in their missional callings, as well as support pastors and candidates for ministry as they seek to discern the emerging kingdom of God in many different contexts. Leaders who can help discover how the church should evolve in uncertain times with optimism, skillful communication and collegiality should apply for the position through either CLC or by submitting a resume.

    More information is available by clicking here. (Posted Nov. 2)

  • Northeast Crossroads Call Finder

    Location: Synod of the Trinity

    Click here to access a website that helps to connect church professionals with congregational ministry opportunities in the 15 presbyteries that serve the greater New York City and Philadelphia metro region.

  • Beaver-Butler Employment Opportunities

    Location: Beaver-Butler Presbytery

    Find job openings in Beaver-Butler Presbytery here.

  • Presbytery of Carlisle Employment Opportunities

    Location: Carlisle Presbytery

    Find job openings in the Presbytery of Carlisle here.

  • Donegal Employment Opportunities

    Location: Donegal Presbytery

    Search for job openings in the Presbytery of Donegal here.

  • Kiskiminetas Employment Opportunities

    Location: Kiskiminetas Presbytery

    Find job openings in Kiskiminetas Presbytery at this link.

  • Lackawanna Employment Opportunities

    Location: Synod of the Trinity

    Follow the link to find employment opportunities in Lackawanna Presbytery.

  • Lake Erie Employment Opportunities

    Location: Lake Erie Presbytery

    Find ministry opportunities in the Presbytery of Lake Erie.

  • Lehigh Employment Opportunities

    Location: Lehigh Presbytery

    Follow the link to find employment opportunities in Lehigh Presbytery.

  • Philadelphia Employment Opportunities

    Location: Philadelphia Presbytery

    Follow the link to job openings in the Presbytery of Philadelphia.

  • Pittsburgh Employment Opportunities

    Location: Pittsburgh Presbytery

    Available at this link are job and career openings within Pittsburgh Presbytery.

  • Redstone Employment Opportunities

    Location: Redstone Presbytery

    These positions are available in the Presbytery of Redstone.

  • Washington Employment Opportunities

    Location: Washington Presbytery

    Find ministry opportunities in Washington Presbytery.

  • Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Employment Opportunities

    Location: Synod Neighbor

    Find jobs that are available throughout the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) by clicking here.

    Jobs posted March 2024 are available by clicking here.