Lackawanna: Greetings from St. Louis!

Posted June 25, 2018

The big news is that our Overture 024, to include Valley United PC in the Presbytery of Lackawanna and Synod of the Trinity, was passed as part of the consent agenda.

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Noftzger: Final day at GA

Posted June 23, 2018

We owe each and everyone of these people (GA commissioners) our gratitude and appreciation for their efforts to “seek the kingdom (kindom) of God and God’s righteousness” and we join them in trusting that “all these things (whether provision or security) will be given to us as well.”

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A last hurrah in St. Louis

Posted June 21, 2018

It’s been a rewarding experience, and as I prepare to leave St. Louis for central Pennsylvania on Thursday morning, I will look back fondly on my first GA.

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Noftzger: Day 6

Posted June 21, 2018

All in all, items were handled in ways that provided for discussion and dissent.

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