Garland Church ‘still percolating’ after 200 years

Posted June 12, 2017

“We’re a humble, small church. We may have 24 people in attendance on a Sunday morning but they’ve hung in there for 200 years, which I think is phenomenal. We’re still percolating. The good Lord’s not done with us yet.”

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Five from Synod earn first-ever Freedom Grants

Posted September 18, 2017

The Synod of the Trinity encouraged areas of smaller African American populations to consider work that they might engage in to address the challenges of African American males in their cities and towns, with this Freedom Grant helping to fund those initiatives.

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Two new Synod grants help celebrate our 300th birthday

Posted April 18, 2017

Have you picked up your birthday present yet? What? Huh? Did I miss something? Seriously, PRESBYTERIES: have you picked up your 300th birthday present yet? In this 300th year of the Synod of the Trinity, founded as the Synod of Philadelphia, we want to say thank you to our colleagues across the region for many…

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