Posted April 7, 2020 in Featured News

Philly2Each Tuesday, leaders from the Presbytery of Philadelphia are hosting an organic conversation in an effort to remain connectional people in the midst of COVID-19. Called CyberPsalm Café, these 30-minute conversations, which are available through Zoom video conferencing platform and on the presbytery’s Facebook page, allow for leaders to find God in the midst of the current situation.

On Tuesday of Holy Week, the CyberPsalm Cafe conversation consisted of the reading of scripture, singing and communion.

“We gather together to come to the table,” said the Rev. Ruth Santana-Grace, the presbytery’s executive presbyter, “a table that’s a little different today. It’s a table reflected by the many tables before each of you. We come confident that the God who has faithfully delivered generations before us continues to deliver us still, guiding us like the fire and the clouds of the wilderness of what is this season of pandemic. We are confident that this very same God of eternity who was made known to us in the person of Jesus continues to work with and through us through the power of the Holy Spirit.

“It is this conviction that brings us together in this new and largely foreign format where we see images of one another on the screen unable to embrace each other, for we are convinced that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of Christ or one another. We boldly come together on this holiest of weeks bringing with us the concerns we carry in the depths of our hearts, for our neighbors in the world, for the communities we serve, for our families and friends and for ourselves.”

View the entire service by clicking here.
