Author Archives: admin

Make a difference on Giving Tuesday and thereafter

Posted November 2, 2023

The Synod of the Trinity is challenging Presbyterians, their congregations and our presbyteries to join in the Giving Tuesday spirit.

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Group at First PC (Pottstown) enjoying their faith and nature

Posted January 15, 2015

Is there a better place to enjoy God’s gifts than to be out among them? If you ask Mike Deegan, he’ll quickly say “No.” Four years ago, Deegan connected with First Presbyterian Church in Pottstown, a congregation with which his father had been a lifetime member. Within a year of becoming a member, Deegan organized…

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Synod adopts per capita change

Posted December 16, 2014

Per capita giving is one source of funding that enables the Synod of the Trinity to walk alongside presbyteries so that they might serve Christ in their congregations and throughout the world. Per capita monies and other funding streams enable the Synod to provide things such as New Initiative Grants, Peacemaking Grants, scholarship funds and…

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Valley United PC: 4 miles, 3 churches, 2 states, 1 congregation

Posted August 27, 2015

Four miles. That’s all that separated three Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations.

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Market Square PC’s tribute helps community remember Hiroshima, Nagasaka tragedy

Posted August 13, 2015

In August of 1945, the United States dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It helped bring an end to World War II, but it also took the lives of over 120,000 people and countless others who would later die from radiation exposure. Seventy years later, that act of war…

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Synod, Brotherhood Insurance giving back

Posted October 29, 2014

Insurance can be a tricky thing. Sure, when there’s an accident, insurance companies are there to help you out in your time of need. But what if you’re careful and manage to stay out of harm’s way? It can seem like those regular premium payments are being made but nothing is received in return. Thanks…

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COR values: Community of Reconciliation Church relishes its diversity

Posted August 3, 2015

On the Community of Reconciliation Church website there is a verse from Galatians that perfectly sums up the thinking behind who that congregation is. It reads, “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Jesus Christ.” While that could be…

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Trailer helps Third PC of Uniontown, PA, find its mission

Posted July 30, 2015

Prior to 2006, Third Presbyterian Church of Uniontown, PA, had never been on an adult mission trip. It wasn’t that the congregation didn’t feel it was important – it certainly does its share to support missionaries and mission work overseas — it was just that the timing and resources needed to take on such an…

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Summer Food Service Program flourishing in Columbia, PA

Posted July 24, 2015

Vicki VanSickle knows about hunger. For a time many years ago, she was raising two boys on her own, and when it came time for a meal, they ate and she didn’t. Now, she’s trying to make sure no one else has to go through what she and her children went through. Vicki is the…

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PCUSA resources available at online store

Posted July 28, 2015

The Presbyterian Church (USA) has created an online store that makes it easier to find things such as books, curricula, downloadable resources and the new Presbyterian hymnal, “Glory to God.”

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